Bio-Medical Engineering Office
Far East Memorial Hospital is the first and only medical center in New Taipei City, mainly responsible for emergency and critically ill patients.
To date, Far East Memorial Hospital has a total of 64 specialties, including cardiovascular centers, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and many other medical specialties, a total of 64. The hospital has 1,408 beds.
The hospital has more than 6,500 outpatients and 400 emergency cases every day. This result makes it the fourth largest high-capacity hospital in Taiwan, with an average occupancy rate of more than 85%. Each medical procedure has its own standard operating procedure (SOP). In addition, the ISO9001 quality system has been implemented since 2004.
The hospital checks its quality objectives every year. We also have obtained five disease-specific care certifications (DSC), been a hospital with most certifications in northern Taiwan.
In addition to provide medical service, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital strongly encourages our colleagues to conduct academic research. There are three joint laboratories, one animal laboratory, and 24-hour e-service electronic library. The colleagues in our hospital publish more than 150 articles, including at least 120 SCI publications every year.
Medical devices and equipment play an important role in the medical service. However, due to their variety and huge volume, it is necessary to integrate the relevant information in order to effectively manage all the medical instruments and equipment.
Far East Memorial Hospital is established since 1981. Medical engineering office was established at 1983 and transformed as Bio-Medical Engineering Office since 2018. Current chief is Dr. Li-Jen Liao.
Therefore, the “Medical Device Cloud Computing Management System” and “Medical Instrument Mobile Device Application” are established since 2018-2019. The system builds a complete medical equipment resume, including the maintenance record, repair record, annual repair cost, contract management, abnormality monitoring, automatic output management report, etc., by connecting with various systems in the hospital.
By using this application software, the hospital personnel can also conduct online repair, primary maintenance, secondary maintenance, simple operation instruction consultation, simple troubleshooting, etc. on a mobile device.
The system database is connected to a data analysis system of the hospital, which can generate various management reports such as the engineer performance, repair effectiveness monitoring, etc.
Through the connection with other databases, the system has preliminarily developed the “X-ray Tube Lifecycle Prediction Model”. At the same time, the system can also provide reference for the management decision through the complete instrument resume and data integration.
hrough the establishment of the medical instrument system and application, the instrument management of the hospital has achieved paperless maintenance and repair. Furthermore, the system also simplifies the operation process, alleviates the medical personnel workload and enhances the management efficiency. The database can be used to control the instrument information and manage the relevant risk on a real-time basis, further ensuring the patient safety and service quality.
In the future, it is expected that the hospital can continuously leverage the cloud data in the aspect of medical instrument and equipment management, to improve the innovative system and enhance the management efficiency.
2019.4.21 Group Photo
Chief Dr. Li-Jen Liao
E-mail of Chief Liao
Team Leader: 吳欣宸 #1460
1. 楊禮瑞: Out-patient Equipment
2. 蔡可維:Physiological Moniters
3. 曾勇倫: Hemodialysis Equipment
4. 李勇志: Surgical Equipment in OR
5. 許嘉和: Pump device
6. 姜宗文: Ultrasound and radiation equipment
7. 江明峰: Ultrasound and radiation equipment(2019 Head of Teaching)
8: 楊佳憲: Respiratory equipment/ Ventilators
謝誠祐: Administrative work (2020 Head of Teaching)
The Application of WHO -recommended Medical Equipment Maintenance Programme
2019 National Medical Quality Award-Smart Medical Competition, won the "Administrative Management Mark"
Cloud Computing & Supporting System**
Date of estanblishment 2020.07.09/Update 2024.03.29
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